Oct 4, 2023Liked by David K. Cobb

I thought your program, which I've watched twice, was very compelling. Great words. All the right words. Great passion. Great cause.

Just a question. PNHP has been in this fight for some time. What, if any, are the differences between the missions of the PNHP and NSP?

I have an idea why the groups may have diverged but it's just a hunch that goes back to funding.


Why reinvent the wheel? Instead of reviving the skeletal remains of what was once Medicare, let's focus on a sliver of the bloated military budget dedicated to Expanded and Improved VA 4 All. Reinvent our own socialized healthcare delivery system. It's already in place ready to be expanded, improved and nationalized.

That would be some competition to the private, profit before people medical industrial complex.

My $.02

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Howdy NJ Dave,

Thank you for watching/listening, and for this comment.

You ask a very good question. I personally don't know what (if any) political or strategic differences exist between the missions of Physicians for a National Health Plan and National Single Payer. I will talk to my producer and see about a future show where we explore that question.....

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I seem to recall that PNHP was decidedly independent of political affiliation. I know several pro-single payer organizations whose membership largely supports Democrat initiatives, and then become apologists. The group Single Payer States comes to mind.

I see that NSP, a 501 C-4 NP, has, as it's fiscal sponsor a K Street Dem organization capable of helping to fund an umbrella group vulnerable to infiltrators, co-option, and outright betrayal.

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