Oct 2, 2023·edited Oct 2, 2023Liked by David K. Cobb

A decade or so ago, I advocated for Expanded and Improved Medicare For All - NJ but no longer do so. Following several face to face meetings with Frank "We just don't have the votes" Pallone, D-NJ I realized that MFA wouldn't happen.

Since then Medicare has been carved up into multiple profit centers and turned the once great program to crap.

For 200 years, the VA has managed our nation's truly socialized health care system. But, as a competitor to the for profit "sick care" system, VA healthcare systematically has been defunded by the corporate shills who pose as our elected representatives.

We don't have to reinvent the wheel.

A properly funded VA could become the gold standard for socialized, single payer healthcare.

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Thanks for your comment @NJDave.

I enthusiastically agree that the ultimate solution to the health care crisis is a single payer system that treats access to health care as a fundamental human right, as opposed to a commodity to be bought and paid for at a profit.

My understanding is that both Medicare and the Veterans Administration are the only two examples of a single payer system in the US. Both of these systems work.

Do you think expanding the VA system will be easier than efforts to expand the Medicare system? If so, how?


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Oct 2, 2023·edited Oct 2, 2023Liked by David K. Cobb

The MIC (medical industrial complex) capitalists have already cherry picked and privatized much of Medicare. I don't know how easy it would be to take back what has already been taken.

Military spending? Expand and fund VA Healthcare (cradle to grave) for all before it, too, is privatized.

Whatever is to be done will require political spine. Not from our spineless corporate state, but from We, The, People to have the courage to vote for what we want...

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I certainly agree that whatever is to be done will require political courage.

“I’d rather vote for something I want and not get it than vote for something I don’t want, and get it. — Eugene V. Debs

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Oct 2, 2023Liked by David K. Cobb

Hi - I’m confused about current Medicare having recently turned 65 and getting pummeled from all directions to sign up for Medicare Advantage or guided to do an alternative insurance. Isn’t it in a way already on the road to privatization after Bush’s changes is the early 2000’s?

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Hey Cheryle, Congratulations on reaching that milestone! And thank you for that question.

A friendly reminder that we broadcast live at 6pm Eastern 3pm Pacific. If you can join us you can ask Dr. Malinow directly. Here is the link on Youtube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L1g3v8nLhbM

If you are unable to join us, I will ask Dr. Malinow and post her response here.

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