Continuing the dis:ussion from today's webinar, as a climate scientist and ecosocialist I am sharing the following.

This is what we will get if Trump/Republicans prevail in 2025:

https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2023/jul/27/project-2025-dismantle-us-climate-policy- next-republican-president

‘Project 2025’: plan to dismantle US climate policy for next Republican president

Will the Green Party act to prevent this catastrophic result or pretend that whether Biden or Trump is elected is of no importance to our future, to the future of the world’s children?

Will Cornel West and the Green Party promote the defeat of the white supremacist climate denialist neofascist Republican Party in 2024, while critiquing the neoliberal/imperialist agenda of the Democratic Party leadership?

Will Cornel West and his campaign share the consequences of voting in each state depending on the electoral college impact on whether Biden or Trump is elected ?

Will we go one or two steps forward or 100 steps back in 2024?

As Paolo Freire put it “what can we do now in order to be able to do tomorrow what we are unable to do today”.

David Schwartzman

DC Statehood Green Party

Member of the GP's International and EcoAction Committees

P.S. Our only chance for realizing self-determination for my community in the form of DC Statehood is if Democrats win in 2024, given the fact that our first two Senators will likely be Democrats. The best Democrat on the DC Council is Janees Lewis George, a DSA member who represents my Ward, Ward 4. I will support her as one of the Senators.

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Thank you for the comment, David S.

It seems like the gist of your questions can really only be answered by Cornel West and his campaign.

As for me, I focus my electoral work at the local level. Most of my national work is advancing the Non-Reformist Reforms of the Solidarity Economy.

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Yes, comrade, of course you are right and I plan to communicate my concerns with Cornel West and his campaign. Of course I enthusiastically support his nomination as the GP's Presidential candidate and am delighted that GEN has endorsed him. Finally, I look forward to the synergy between his campaign with electoral and movement work on the local level, including my own community, DC, hopefully with a Democratic victory in 2024, the 51st state, the Douglass Commonwealth!

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Like you, I look forward to the excitement that a West for President campaign will generate in 2024. I am eager to harness that energy and use it to help grow movements for peace, justice, democracy and ecology.

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