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Indeed, David, the elite journals of the day were full of what they had learned from Bernays that they no longer had to make what people wanted but could instead make people want what they made. Of course those who controlled the creation and allocation of money were delighted. Dislodging our Corporate Masters is what monetary reform is all about because money is the mechanism of power. I'm sure you know that nothing happens unless there is a flow of money and that money is created out of thin air and its allocation directed by the global banking system, which creates all money as interest-bearing debt, a form of slavery. We pay tribute to that system every time we buy something because on average 50% of the prices we pay for goods and services is in interest going to the bank system which concentrates it to the top via compounding interest. As long as these private interests control the money we will have wars for profits. So, we're organizing a protest rally at the Chicago Fed in May and hoping to attract the many as they are so abused by the few. It must be understood that publicly issued money is synonymous with democracy, they emerged as one in Ancient Greece. I think it was a resurgence of indigenous values eventually crushed by the oligarchy whose gold money had been outlawed. I hope you can join us in Chicago in May. https://www.monetaryalliance.org/uniting-all-voices-for-social-and-economic-justice-join-mayday-for-money/ Expanding on this video I would love to talk to you about the psychological consequences of a debt-based money system.

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