My dear friends,
I hope you are safe, secure, happy and healthy. I'm writing to share the launch of our brand new podcast, Redneck Gone Green (website coming soon). We will be confronting the reality of the ecological catastrophe, economic collapse, and rising fascism from an unapologetic leftist perspective. For a deeper dive into why I so proudly and explicitly self-identify as a Leftist, check out my short essay “What Does it Mean to be a Leftist? below.
At Redneck Gone Green, our mission is to go beyond the “ain’t it awful” description of how bad things are. We will create a platform for insightful conversations about what we can do to manifest the world we want. We are fostering a community of engaged listeners who are passionate about social change, and providing tools to make that change happen
Our inaugural episode will be broadcast live on July 25, 2023. We will explore a strategic plan for social change. Join us as we dive deep into the nuances, provide critical analysis, and offer fresh perspectives on this crucial subject.
You can check out our first episode, "Vision, Goals, Strategy, Tactics," streaming live on Youtube. We will be expanding to other platforms soon. Make sure to subscribe to our Youtube channel so you never miss an episode!
We're excited to embark on this journey, and we'd be honored to have you as part of our community. We encourage you to share your thoughts, feedback, and suggestions with us. Contact us at and help us decide what topics we cover! Your voice matters to us.
Help us spread the word by sharing this email with your friends, family, or colleagues who might be interested in joining the conversations. Let's create a ripple effect of change together!
Thank you for your support, and we look forward to your participation.
Onward to the world we deserve,
David Cobb
Redneck Gone Green
What Does it Mean to be a Leftist?
Some people try to avoid the label “Leftist.” They think the word is off-putting, and leads to unnecessary division. But I think it provides a framework for describing and understanding a very particular and profoundly positive and liberating political ideology. The clarity of the term promotes real solidarity, as opposed to false agreement that happens when we fail to speak plainly.
The term Leftist originated in the political and social landscape of the 18th and 19th centuries. It emerged during a time of significant social, economic, and political upheaval, as traditional power structures were challenged by new ideas and movements. Interestingly, the term itself is derived from the seating arrangement in the French National Assembly during the French Revolution.
During the French Revolution, the National Assembly was divided into various factions based on their political beliefs. Those who supported the monarchy and conservative values sat on the right side of the assembly, while those who advocated for radical change and egalitarian principles sat on the left side. This seating arrangement soon became a symbolic representation of the political spectrum, with the left side representing progressive and reformist ideologies.
The leftist movement gained further prominence during the 19th century with the rise of socialism and the labor movement. Socialists sought to address the social and economic inequalities brought about by industrialization and capitalism. Leftists unapologetically advocated for workers' rights, fair distribution of wealth, and collective ownership of resources. Leftist ideologies also encompassed other movements such as anarchism and communism, which called for the abolition of hierarchies and the establishment of a classless society.
Over time, the term Leftist expanded beyond its original French context and became a widely used descriptor for groups with generally progressive or radical political beliefs. It has been associated with a range of ideologies, social democracy, eco-socialism, feminism, and anti-colonialism, among others.
Miss you my friend. Looking forward to your podcasts. I think I remember you said you were from a southern state? But redneck, that's a bit surprising. Although born in a 'northern state' and probably had a more pronounced accent at the time, while in the navy stationed at NAS Jacksonville, I was 'informed' by a teller at a movie theater that I was a 'damn yankee'. Never before thought of myself as other than an American socialist.
David, weren't red scarves worn by miners as they were forming unions (mid 1800s) giving the term RedNeck?